Greeters – Third Tuesdays


Network and promote your business to other business leaders, operators, community members, and local government in the Central Point Area. Greeters hosts and location rotates monthly, invitations are sent via our newsletter, are posted on our events calendar, and are announced on our social media pages.

At Greeters, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the host’s business and peek behind the scenes of their operations. Guests are given time to mingle, catch up and meet new attendees before the business introductions and after the hosts tour.

Bring a prize for the monthly drawing or more importantly, bring your business card to enter!

Highlight your business by hosting Greeters at your business! If you are interested in hosting a Greeters contact us at 541-664-5301.


Held Quarterly

Attend or host a social hour, targeted at networking and showcasing your business. Business leaders gather quarterly for a cocktail hour and appetizers to share trade secrets, collaborate and enjoy the vibrant community created by our local businesses, government, and educators, and to HAVE FUN! This casual business environment is held after hours, giving an opportunity to those unable to attend morning Greeters a chance to join in the fun.

Highlight your business by hosting a Mixer at your business! If you are interested in hosting a Mixer contact us at 541-664-5301.



Chamber Ambassadors take on a more active role in events, attending as regularly as possible as well as becoming more educated about the Chamber and Visitors Information Center and all that we do.

Ambassadors can be called upon to help at events when Chamber staff is short-handed and could use an extra hand. Ambassadors speak with local businesses not currently involved in the Chamber about becoming members and the benefits of Membership and welcome new businesses to the area.

Becoming an Ambassador is a great way to show your support to new business owners, the community, and the Chamber. Contact us if you would like to become a Central Point Chamber Ambassador.